Use cases
Scaling Java applications
Valkey or Redis based objects, collections, locks, synchronizers and services required for distributed applications on Java.
Valkey or Redis based cache implementations for Java like JCache API, Hibernate 2nd Level Cache, Spring Cache and application level caching.
Data source caching
Valkey or Redis based Java cache for databases, web services or any other data source using Read-Through, Write-Through and Write-Behind strategies.
Distributed Java tasks scheduling and execution
Task processing on Java might be run in parallel with Valkey or Redis based distributed implementations of ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService.
Distributed data processing
Java based MapReduce programming model to process large amount of data stored in Valkey or Redis.
Easy Valkey & Redis Java client
Redisson is the most advanced and easiest Valkey and Redis Java client. It has zero learning curve thus you don't need to know any command to start work with it.
Web session clustering
Load balancing of user sessions with Valkey or Redis based Tomcat Session Manager and Spring Session implementations.
Valkey or Redis based reliable Java microservices communication using RPC, messaging and cache.
Valkey or Redis based Java message broker for Pub/Sub and Stream messaging.
Redis configurations
Master and Slaves
Redis services support
AWS ElastiCache
Amazon MemoryDB
Azure Redis Cache
Google Cloud Memorystore
Aiven for Redis
Automatic connection management
Synchronous interface
Asynchronous interface
Reactive interface
RxJava3 interface
Supports Android platform
Supports OSGI
Supports SSL connection
Distributed Java locks and synchronizers
Spin Lock
Fenced Lock
Distributed Java services
Remote service
Live Object service
Executor service
Scheduler service
MapReduce service
Distributed Java collections
JSON Store
Blocking Queue/Deque
Priority Queue/Deque
Delayed Queue
Transfer Queue
Ring Buffer
Time Series
Java data structures powered by Redis.
Introduction to Redisson (pdf) - Reaching 500K Ops/Sec With Only 3 Redis Nodes
- Redisson PRO vs. Jedis: Which Is Faster?
- Redis Users Rejoice! The JCache API Is Here
A Look at the Java Distributed In-Memory Data Model
(Powered by Redis) - Creating Distributed Java Applications With Redis
- Redis Java client with code example
- Redis Java client for Azure Cache
- Redis Java client for Aiven Redis service
- Redis Java client for AWS Redis Global Datastore
- Redis Java Client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis High Availability
- Redis Java client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis
- Redis Java Client for Amazon MemoryDB
- Redis Java client for AWS Elasticache
- Advanced Adventure for JSR-107 Caching
- A Redis-based Ring Buffer for Java
- How to install Redis
- How to Connect to Redis
With the ElastiCache IAM Credential Provider - How To Store JSON with Redis on Java
- How to Search Data Stored in Redis on Java
- How to Connect to Redis Cluster in Java
- How to Connect to Redis Sentinel in Java
- How to Connect to Redis in Java
- How to Get Data From Redis in Java
- How to Use Redis Cache in Java
- Redis Password Encryption on Java
- Spring Cloud Stream With Redis
- Valkey vs Redis: A Comparison
- How to Replace RabbitMQ With Valkey or Redis in Spring Cloud Stream Framework
- How to Use Redis Cache in Java
Distributed tasks Execution and Scheduling in Java,
powered by Redis - Introducing Redisson Live Objects (Object Hash Mapping)
- Java Remote Method Invocation with Redisson
- Java Multimaps With Redis
- Distributed lock with Redis
- A Guide to Redis with Redisson
- Lettuce Replacement:
Why Redisson is the Best Lettuce Alternative - Apache Ignite Replacement:
Why Redisson is the Best Alternative - Hazelcast Replacement:
Why Redisson is the Best Hazelcast Alternative -
Jedis Alternative:
Why Redisson is the Best Jedis Replacement -
Ehcache Alternative:
Why Redisson is the Best Ehcache Replacement - A Redis-based Java Time Series Collection
- Redis Streams for Java
- Redis-Based Tomcat Session Management
- Advanced Redis Integration With Helidon
- Advanced Redis Integration With Micronaut
- Advanced Redis Integration With Quarkus
- Advanced Quarkus Redis Cache
- The Top 5 Redis-Based Java Objects
- Redis Client Tracing in Java
- Redis Client Metrics in Java
- Redis Notifications in Java
- Redisson's Live Object Service: A Redis-based Object Mapper in Java
- Creating Regional Replicas With Multiple Redis Clusters on Java
- Creating Regional Replicas With Multiple Redis Sentinels on Java
- Configuring Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty Session Persistence With JCache and Redis
- Redis Cross-Data Center Replication
- Partitioning of Publish/Subscribe Topics in Valkey and Redis
- How to Use Redis Locks in Java
- How to Use Valkey Cache in Java
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