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Using Redisson API

Programmatic configuration is performed by the Config object instance. For example:

Config config = new Config();
       // use "rediss://" for SSL connection

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Using YAML

Redisson can also be configured in a declarative way by using a user-supplied text file in YAML format.

YAML config

Redisson configuration could be stored in YAML format. Use the config.fromYAML() method to read the configuration stored in YAML format:

Config config = Config.fromYAML(new File("config-file.yaml"));  
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
Use the config.toYAML() method to write a configuration in YAML format:
Config config = new Config();
// ... many settings are set here
String yamlFormat = config.toYAML();

Variable syntax

Variables are used to parameterize the Redisson configuration and are then substituted with the actual values upon Redisson startup. Variables are defined using the ${variable_name} syntax. To resolve variable references to their values, the following sources are consulted in sequence of precedence, with later sources preceding earlier ones:

  • environment variables
  • Java system properties

Definition example:

  address: "redis://${REDIS_PORT}"

Default values complies with shell format. Example:

  address: "redis://${REDIS_PORT:-6379}"

Passwords encryption

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Redisson supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption for passwords defined in the configuration file, with the secret key stored in the file.

The org.redisson.config.PasswordCipher class is used to encrypt passwords. The secret key file may contain any characters. The encrypted password has the {aes} prefix.


java -cp redisson-all.jar org.redisson.config.PasswordCipher encode <unencrypted password> <path to secret key file>
Usage example:
java -cp redisson-all.jar org.redisson.config.PasswordCipher encode pass123 secret_key.txt

The secret key file is defined through the secretKey setting in the Redisson configuration YAML file and applied to all encrypted passwords.

Configuration YAML file example:

   address: "rediss://"
   password: "{aes}M+TfpT4T6psLCfS+RHKT7Fx0j6r5wOX535G3NMnaphY="
   sslTruststore: file:truststore
   sslTruststorePassword: "{aes}31paDOrhnyPfDxXPgqyLZF8QR5yJU3U1bZfhsuM4Ruo="
   secretKey: file:secret_key

Common settings

The following settings belong to the org.redisson.Config object and are common for all modes:


Default value: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec

Redis or Valkey data codec. Used during read/write data operations. Several implementations are available.


Default value: null

The connection listener, which is triggered when Redisson is connected/disconnected to a Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: false

Defines whether Redisson connects to Redis or Valkey only when the first Redis or Valkey call is made or if Redisson connects during creation of the Redisson instance.

true - connects to Redis or Valkey only when the first Redis or Valkey call is made false - connects to Redis or Valkey upon Redisson instance creation


Default value: 32

Defines the number of threads shared between all internal Redis or Valkey clients used by Redisson. Netty threads are used for Redis or Valkey response decoding and command sending. 0 = cores_amount * 2


Default value: empty object

Netty hook applied to Netty Bootstrap and Channel objects.


Default value: null

Use the external `ExecutorService' which is used by Netty for Redis or Valkey response decoding and command sending.


Default value: null

Use the external ExecutorService which processes all listeners of RTopic, RRemoteService invocation handlers, and RExecutorService tasks.


Use external EventLoopGroup. EventLoopGroup processes all Netty connections tied with Redis or Valkey servers using its own threads. By default, each Redisson client creates its own EventLoopGroup. So, if there are multiple Redisson instances in the same JVM, it would be useful to share one EventLoopGroup among them.

Only, and are allowed for usage.


Default value: TransportMode.NIO

Available values:

  • TransportMode.NIO,
  • TransportMode.EPOLL - requires netty-transport-native-epoll lib in the classpath
  • TransportMode.KQUEUE - requires netty-transport-native-kqueue lib in the classpath


Default value: 16

Threads are used to execute the listener's logic of the RTopic object, invocation handlers of the RRemoteService, the RTopic object and RExecutorService tasks.


Default value: RESP2

Defines the Redis or Valkey protocol version. Available values: RESP2, RESP3


Default value: 30000

RLock object watchdog timeout in milliseconds. This parameter is only used if an RLock object is acquired without the leaseTimeout parameter. The lock expires after lockWatchdogTimeout if the watchdog didn’t extend it to the next lockWatchdogTimeout time interval. This prevents infinity-locked locks due to a Redisson client crash, or any other reason why a lock can’t be released properly.


Default value: true

Defines whether to check the synchronized slaves amount with the actual slaves amount after lock acquisition.


Default value: 1000

Defines the slaves synchronization timeout in milliseconds, applied to each operation of the RLock, RSemaphore, RPermitExpirableSemaphore objects.


Default value: 600000

Reliable Topic watchdog timeout in milliseconds. Reliable Topic subscriber expires after timeout if the watchdog didn’t extend it to the next timeout time interval. This prevents the infinite growing of stored messages in a topic, due to a Redisson client crush or any other reason when a subscriber can’t consume messages anymore.


Default value: org.redisson.connection.SequentialDnsAddressResolverFactory

Allows for specifying a customized implementation of DnsAddressResolverGroup.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.DnsAddressResolverGroupFactory - uses the default DNS servers list provided by OS.
  • org.redisson.connection.SequentialDnsAddressResolverFactory - uses the default DNS servers list provided by OS and allows to control the concurrency level of requests to DNS servers.
  • org.redisson.connection.RoundRobinDnsAddressResolverGroupFactory - uses the default DNS servers list provided by OS in round robin mode.


Default value: false

Defines whether to use the Lua-script cache on the Redis or Valkey side. Most Redisson methods are Lua-script-based, and turning this setting on could increase the speed of such methods' execution and save network traffic.


Default value: true

Defines whether to keep PubSub messages handling in arrival order, or to handle messages concurrently. This setting is applied only for PubSub messages per channel.


Default value: 5

Defines the minimum delay in seconds for the cleanup process of expired entries. Applied to JCache, RSetCache, RClusteredSetCache, RMapCache, RListMultimapCache, RSetMultimapCache, RLocalCachedMapCache, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache objects.


Default value: 1800

Defines maximum delay in seconds for clean up process of expired entries. Applied to JCache, RSetCache, RClusteredSetCache, RMapCache, RListMultimapCache, RSetMultimapCache, RLocalCachedMapCache, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache objects.


Default value: 100

Defines the amount of expired keys deleted per single operation during the cleanup process of expired entries. Applied to JCache, RSetCache, RClusteredSetCache, RMapCache, RListMultimapCache, RSetMultimapCache, RLocalCachedMapCache, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache objects.


Default value: ALL

Defines the Micrometer statistics collection mode.

This setting is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Available values:

  • ALL - collect both Redis or Valkey and Redisson objects statistics
  • REDIS - collect only Redis or Valkey statistics
  • OBJECTS - collect only Redisson objects statistics


Default value: null

Defines the Micrometer registry provider used to collect various statistics for Redisson objects. Please refer to the statistics monitoring sections for list of all available providers.

This setting is available only in Redisson PRO edition.


Default value: true

Defines whether to supply ContextClassLoader of the current Thread to Codec.

Usage of Thread.getContextClassLoader() may resolve ClassNotFoundException errors arising during Redis or Valkey response decoding. This error might occurr if Redisson is used in both Tomcat and deployed application.


Default value: LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_2

Defines the command processing engine performance mode. Since all values are application-specific (except for the NORMAL value) it’s recommended to try all of them.

This setting is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Available values:

  • HIGHER_THROUGHPUT - switches command processor engine to higher throughput mode
  • LOWER_LATENCY_AUTO - switches command processor engine to lower latency mode and detects optimal settings automatically
  • LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_3 - switches command processor engine to lower latency mode with predefined settings set #3
  • LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_2 - switches command processor engine to lower latency mode with predefined settings set #2
  • LOWER_LATENCY_MODE_1 - switches command processor engine to lower latency mode with predefined settings set #1
  • NORMAL - switches command processor engine to normal mode

Cluster mode

Cluster mode could be used with any hosting.

Compatible with:

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    .setScanInterval(2000) // cluster state scan interval in milliseconds
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection
    .addNodeAddress("redis://", "redis://")

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Cluster settings

Documentation covering Redis server cluster configuration is here.
Cluster connection mode is activated by the following line:

ClusterServersConfig clusterConfig = config.useClusterServers();

ClusterServersConfig settings listed below:


Default value: true

Enables cluster slots check during Redisson startup.


Add a Redis or Valkey cluster node or endpoint address in host:port format. Redisson automatically discovers the cluster topology. Use the rediss:// protocol for SSL connections.


Default value: 1000

Scan interval in milliseconds. Applied to Redis or Valkey clusters topology scans.


Default value: 231

Partitions amount used for data partitioning. Data partitioning supported by Set, Map, BitSet, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, JCache, Micronaut Cache, Quarkus Cache and Hibernate Cache structures.

This setting is available only in Redisson PRO edition.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: MASTER

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node,


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: AUTO

Defines whether to use the sharded subscription feature available in Valkey or Redis 7.0 and higher. Used by RMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RCountDownLatch, RLock, RPermitExpirableSemaphore, RSemaphore, RLongAdder, RDoubleAdder, Micronaut Session, Apache Tomcat Manager objects.


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle connections amount per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey master node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and the current connections amount is bigger than the minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout in milliseconds during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout in milliseconds. Starts countdown after a Redis or Valkey command is successfully sent.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval in milliseconds, after which another attempt to send a Redis or Valkey command will be executed.


Default value: 3000

Interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts, when it was excluded from an internal list of available servers. On each timeout event, Redisson tries to connect to the disconnected Redis or Valkey server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines the failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via the org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in the defined checkInterval interval (in milliseconds). Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in the defined checkInterval interval (in milliseconds).
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has a certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in the defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.


Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per Redis or Valkey node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing Redis or Valkey credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscriber connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objectsi, and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines the SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL is considered as a faster implementation and requires netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added to the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which is used to identify the server side of an SSL connection. SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore


Default value: null

Defines the SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for the SSL keystore


Default value: 30000

This setting allows for detecting and reconnecting broken connections, using the PING command. PING command send interval is defined in milliseconds. Useful in cases when the netty lib doesn’t invoke channelInactive method for closed connections. Set to 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connection.


Default value: 0

This defines the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection. A 0 value means to use the system's default setting.


Default value: 0

Defines the time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes. A 0 value means use the system's default setting.


Default value: 0

Defines the time in seconds between individual keepalive probes. 0 value means use the system's default setting.


Default value: 0

Defines the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that transmitted data may remain unacknowledged or buffered data may remain untransmitted (due to zero window size) before TCP will forcibly close the connection. A 0 value means use the system's default setting.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connections.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: no mapper

Defines NAT mapper interface, which maps Redis or Valkey URI objects and applies to all connections. It can be used to map internal Redis or Valkey server IPs to external ones.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.api.HostPortNatMapper
  • org.redisson.api.HostNatMapper


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper, which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all Redis or Valkey commands.

Cluster YAML config format

Below is a cluster configuration example in YAML format. All property names matched with ClusterServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://"
  - "redis://"
  - "redis://"
  scanInterval: 1000
  pingConnectionInterval: 30000
  keepAlive: false
  tcpNoDelay: true
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Replicated mode

With Replicated mode the role of each node is polled to determine if a failover has occurred resulting in a new master.

Compatible with:

Use Redisson PRO if a single host bounded to multiple slaves or master and slave nodes. Compatible with Aiven Redis hosting.

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    .setScanInterval(2000) // master node change scan interval
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection
    .addNodeAddress("redis://", "redis://")

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Replicated settings

Replicated connection mode is activated by follow line:

ReplicatedServersConfig replicatedConfig = config.useReplicatedServers();

Replicated ServersConfig settings listed below:


Add Redis or Valkey node address in host:port format. Multiple nodes could be added at once. All nodes (master and slaves) should be defined. For Aiven Redis hosting single hostname is enough. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Default value: 1000

Replicated nodes scan interval in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: false

Check each Redis or Valkey hostname defined in the configuration for IP address changes during the scan process.


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects, and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node.


Default value: 24

The minimum idle connection amount is per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey master node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from the master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: MASTER

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node,


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. It starts to count down after a Redis or Valkey command is successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

An error will be thrown if a Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to Redis or Valkey server after retryAttempts. But if it is sent successfully, then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another attempt to send a Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3000

The interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts when excluded from the internal list of available servers. On each timeout event, Redisson tries to connect to a disconnected Redis or Valkey server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object, which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in the defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. The default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has a certain amount of command execution errors defined by the failedCommandsLimit in the defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has a certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by the failedCommandsLimit in the defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connection.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.

credentialsResolver Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per Redis or Valkey node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows to specify dynamically changing Redis credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscribe connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines the SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL considered as a faster implementation and requires netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL keystore. It stores private key and certificates corresponding to their public keys. Used if the server side of an SSL connection requires client authentication. SSL keystore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval, per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connections.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connections.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Replicated YAML config format

Below is a replicated configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with ReplicatedServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://redishost1:2812"
  - "redis://redishost2:2815"
  - "redis://redishost3:2813"
  scanInterval: 1000
  monitorIPChanges: false
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Single mode

Single mode could be used with any hosting.

Compatible with:

Programmatic config example:

// connects to by default
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create();

Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Single settings

Documentation covering Redis or Valkey single server configuration is here. Multiple IP bindings for a single hostname are supported in Proxy mode

Single server connection mode is activated by the following line:
SingleServerConfig singleConfig = config.useSingleServer();

SingleServerConfig settings listed below:


Redis or Valkey server address in host:port format. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle Redis or Valkey connection amount.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey connection maximum pool size.


Default value: 5000

DNS change monitoring interval. Set -1 to disable. Multiple IP bindings for a single hostname are supported in Proxy mode.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connection pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. It starts to count down once a Redis or Valkey command is successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to Redis or Valkey server after the defined retryAttempts. But if it is sent successfully, then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another attempt to send the Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connection.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.

credentialsResolver Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per Redis or Valkey node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing Redis credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscriber connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds, applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL is considered as the faster implementation and requires netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in classpath.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval, per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connections.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connections.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Single YAML config format

Below is a single configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with SingleServerConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  address: "redis://"
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  connectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  connectionPoolSize: 64
  database: 0
  dnsMonitoringInterval: 5000
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Sentinel mode

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection
    .addSentinelAddress("redis://", "redis://")

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Sentinel settings

Documentation covers Redis server sentinel configuration is here.

Sentinel connection mode is activated by follow line:
SentinelServersConfig sentinelConfig = config.useSentinelServers();

SentinelServersConfig settings listed below:


Default value: true

Enables sentinels list check during Redisson startup.


Default value: 5000

Interval in milliseconds to check the endpoint's DNS. Set -1 to disable.


Default value: true

Check if slave node master-link-status field has status ok.


Master server name used by Redis or Valkey Sentinel servers and master change monitoring task.


Add Redis or Valkey Sentinel node address in host:port format. Multiple nodes at once could be added.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node,


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node


Default value: 24

Minimum idle connections amount per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey master node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. Starts to count down when a command was successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to Redis server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another one attempt to send Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3000

The interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts when it was excluded from internal list of available servers. On each timeout event Redisson tries to connect to disconnected server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connection.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey servers authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey servers authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey Sentinel servers authentication. Used only if Sentinel password differs from master’s and slave’s.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey Sentinel servers for authentication. Used only if Sentinel username differs from master’s and slave’s. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.

credentialsResolver Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing credentials.


Default value: true

Enables sentinels discovery.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscribe connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL is considered as a faster implementation and requiresnetty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in classpath.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which is used to identify the server side of an SSL connection. SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL keystore. It stores private key and certificates corresponding to their public keys. Used if the server side of an SSL connection requires client authentication. SSL keystore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connections.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connections.


Default value: no mapper

Defines NAT mapper interface which maps Redis or Valkey URI object and applied to all connections. Can be used to map internal Redis server IPs to external ones.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.api.HostPortNatMapper
  • org.redisson.api.HostNatMapper


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Sentinel YAML config format

Below is a sentinel configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with SentinelServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://"
  - "redis://"
  masterName: "mymaster"
  database: 0
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Master slave mode

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection
    .addSlaveAddress("redis://", "redis://", "redis://")

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Master slave settings

Documentation covering Redis or Valkey server master/slave configuration is here.

Master slave connection mode is activated by the following line:
MasterSlaveServersConfig masterSlaveConfig = config.useMasterSlaveServers();

MasterSlaveServersConfig settings listed below:


Default value: 5000

Interval in milliseconds to check the endpoint’s DNS. Set -1 to disable.


Redis or Valkey master node address in host:port format. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Add Redis or Valkey slave node address in host:port format. Multiple nodes at once could be added. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle connections amount per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey master node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. Starts to count down when a command was successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another one attempt to send Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3000

Interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts when it was excluded from internal list of available servers. On each timeout event Redisson tries to connect to disconnected server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connection.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.

credentialsResolver Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscriber connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL considered as a faster implementation and requiresnetty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which is used to identify the server side of an SSL connection. SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL keystore. It stores private key and certificates corresponding to their public keys. Used if the server side of an SSL connection requires client authentication. SSL keystore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connections.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connection.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Master slave YAML config format

Below is master slave configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with MasterSlaveServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://"
  - "redis://"
  masterAddress: "redis://"
  database: 0
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Proxy mode

Proxy mode supports single or multiple Redis or Valkey databases (including synced with active-active replication) used for read/write operations. Each Redis or Valkey hostname might be resolved to more than one IP address.

Depending on value of proxyMode setting there are two modes:
1. all nodes are primary and used for read/write operation with load balancer
2. single primary for read/write operation and the rest are idle secondary nodes

Failed nodes detection is managed by scanMode setting.

Compatible with:

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
// use "rediss://" for SSL connection
config.useProxyServers().addAddress("redis://myredisserver1:6379", "redis://myredisserver2:6379");

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Proxy mode settings

Proxy servers connection mode is activated by the following line:

ProxyServersConfig proxyConfig = config.useProxyServers();

ProxyServersConfig settings listed below:


Redis or Valkey proxy servers addresses in host:port format. If single hostname is defined and DNS monitoring is enabled then all resolved ips are considered as proxy nodes and used by load balancer. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle Redis or Valkey connection amount.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey connection maximum pool size.


Default value: PING

Defines scan mode to detect failed Redis or Valkey nodes. Available values:

  • PING - Each Redis or Valkey node is checked using PING command. If node unable to response then it considered as a failed node.
  • PUBSUB - Messages are sent over pubsub channel per Redis or Valkey node and should be received by all other nodes. If node unable to subscribe or receive message then it considered as a failed node.


Default value: ALL_ACTIVE

Defines proxy mode.
Available values:

  • FIRST_ACTIVE - Primary (active) database is a first address in the list of addresses and the rest are idle secondary nodes used after failover.
  • ALL_ACTIVE - All databases are primary (active) and used for read/write operations.


Default value: 5000

Defines proxy nodes scan interval in milliseconds. 0 means disable.


Default value: 3000

Defines proxy nodes scan timeout in milliseconds applied per Redis or Valkey node.


Default value: 5000

DNS change monitoring interval. Set -1 to disable.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. Starts to count down when a command was successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey ommand can’t be sent to a server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another one attempt to send Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connection.


When the retry interval reached Redisson tries to connect to the disconnected Redis or Valkey node. After successful reconnection Redis node is become available for read/write operations execution.

Default value: 3000


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.


Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscribe connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL considered as a faster implementation and requiresnetty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which is used to identify the server side of an SSL connection. SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines path to the SSL keystore. It stores private key and certificates corresponding to their public keys. Used if the server side of an SSL connection requires client authentication. SSL keystore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connection.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connection.


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Proxy mode YAML config format

Below is proxy mode configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with ProxyServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  addresses: "redis://"
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  connectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  connectionPoolSize: 64
  database: 0
  dnsMonitoringInterval: 5000
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Multi cluster mode

Supports multiple Redis or Valkey Cluster setups with active-passive data replication relationship. Replication of the primary Cluster with secondary Redis Cluster is managed by replicationMode setting.

Cluster with all available master nodes becomes the primary. Master nodes availability scan interval is defined by scanInterval setting.

Compatible with:

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    .setScanInterval(2000) // cluster state scan interval in milliseconds
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection
    .addAddress("redis://cluster1:7000", "redis://cluster2:70002");

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Multi Cluster settings

Multi clusters connection mode is activated by follow line:

ClusterServersConfig clusterConfig = config.useMultiClusterServers();
ClusterServersConfig settings listed below:


Default value: true

Enables cluster slots check during Redisson startup.


Each entry is a Redis or Valkey cluster setup, which is defined by the hostname of any of nodes in cluster or endpoint. Addresses should be in redis://host:port format. Use rediss:// protocol for SSL connection.


Default value: 5000

Scan interval in milliseconds. Applied to clusters topology scan and primary and secondary clusters scan process. Handles failover between primary and secondary clusters. Cluster with all available master nodes becomes the primary.


Default value: 231

Partitions amount used for data partitioning. Data partitioning supported by Set, Map, BitSet, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, JCache, Micronaut Cache, Quarkus Cache and Hibernate Cache structures.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: ACTIVE_PASSIVE

Defines Datastore mode.
Available values:

  • ACTIVE - only primary (active) cluster is used
  • ACTIVE_PASSIVE - primary (active) cluster is used for read/write operations and secondary (passive) clusters are used for read operations only
  • WRITE_ACTIVE_READ_PASSIVE - Primary (active) cluster is used for write operations and secondary (passive) clusters are used for read operations only


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node,


Default value: AUTO

Defines whether to use sharded subscription feature available in Valkey or Redis 7.0 and higher. Used by RMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RCountDownLatch, RLock, RPermitExpirableSemaphore, RSemaphore, RLongAdder, RDoubleAdder, Micronaut Session, Apache Tomcat Manager objects.


Default value: NONE

Defines replication of the primary Cluster with secondary Redis Clusters.

Available values:

  • NONE - No replication executed by Redisson. Replication should be executed on Redis or Valkey side,
  • SYNC - Each Redisson method invocation which modifies data is completed only if it has been replicated to all Redis or Valkey deployments,
  • ASYNC - Each Redisson method invocation which modifies data doesn't wait for replication to complete on other Redis or Valkey deployments


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: AUTO

Defines primary Cluster selection mode.

Available values:

  • FIRST_PRIMARY - Primary database is the first address in the list of addresses
  • AUTO - Primary database is selected if all master nodes are available


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle connections amount per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey `master' node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout in milliseconds during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout in milliseconds. Starts to count down when a command was successfully sent.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to a server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval in milliseconds after which another one attempt to send Redis or Valkey command will be executed.


Default value: 3000

Interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts when it was excluded from internal list of available servers. On each timeout event Redisson tries to connect to disconnected server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey server authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.


Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing credentials.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscribe connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL is considered the faster implementation and requires netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

This setting allows to detect and reconnect broken connections using PING command. PING command sending interval defined in milliseconds. Useful in cases when netty lib doesn’t invoke channelInactive method for closed connections. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connection.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connection.


Default value: no mapper

Defines NAT mapper interface which maps Redis or Valkey URI object and applied to all connections. Can be used to map internal Redis server IPs to external ones. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.api.HostPortNatMapper
  • org.redisson.api.HostNatMapper


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Multi Cluster YAML config format

Below is cluster configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with ClusterServersConfig and Config object property names.

  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  datastoreMode: "ACTIVE_PASSIVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://cluster1:7004"
  - "redis://cluster2:7001"
  - "redis://cluster3:7000"
  scanInterval: 5000
  pingConnectionInterval: 30000
  keepAlive: false
  tcpNoDelay: true
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"

Multi Sentinel mode

Supports multiple Redis or Valkey Sentinel setups with active-passive data replication.

Replication of primary Sentinel deployment with secondary Sentinel deployments is managed by replicationMode setting. First sentinel host belongs to the active Sentinel setup and others to Passive Sentinel Setups.

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Programmatic config example:

Config config = new Config();
    // use "rediss://" for SSL connection

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

Multi Sentinel settings

Documentation covering Redis or Valkey server sentinel configuration is here.

Multi Sentinel connection mode is activated by follow line:
MultiSentinelServersConfig sentinelConfig = config.useMultiSentinelServers();

MultiSentinelServersConfig settings listed below:


Default value: NONE

Defines replication of primary Sentinel deployment with secondary Redis Sentinel deployments.

Available values:

  • NONE - No replication executed by Redisson. Replication should be executed on Redis or Valkey side,
  • SYNC - Each Redisson method invocation which modifies data is completed only if it has been replicated to all Redis or Valkey deployments,
  • ASYNC - Each Redisson method invocation which modifies data doesn't wait for replication to complete on other Redis or Valkey deployments


Default value: true

Enables sentinels list check during Redisson startup.


Default value: 5000

Interval in milliseconds to check the endpoint's DNS. Set -1 to disable.


Default value: true

Check if slave node master-link-status field has status ok.


Master server name used by Sentinel servers and master change monitoring task.


Add Sentinel node address in host:port format. Multiple nodes at once could be added.


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for read operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Read from slave nodes, uses MASTER if no SLAVES are available,
  • MASTER - Read from master node,
  • MASTER_SLAVE - Read from master and slave nodes


Default value: SLAVE

Set node type used for subscription operation. Available values:

  • SLAVE - Subscribe to slave nodes,
  • MASTER - Subscribe to master node,


Default value: org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer

Сonnection load balancer for multiple Redis or Valkey servers. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.CommandsLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.WeightedRoundRobinBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer
  • org.redisson.connection.balancer.RandomLoadBalancer


Default value: 1

Minimum idle connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 50

Maximum connection pool size for subscription (pub/sub) channels. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 24

Redis or Valkey slave node minimum idle connection amount for each slave node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey slave node maximum connection pool size for each slave node.


Default value: 24

Minimum idle connections amount per Redis or Valkey master node.


Default value: 64

Redis or Valkey master node maximum connection pool size.


Default value: 10000

If a pooled connection is not used for a timeout time and current connections amount bigger than minimum idle connections pool size, then it will be closed and removed from the pool. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 10000

Timeout during connecting to any Redis or Valkey server.


Default value: 3000

Redis or Valkey server response timeout. Starts to count down when a command was successfully sent. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3

Error will be thrown if Redis or Valkey command can’t be sent to a server after retryAttempts. But if it sent successfully then timeout will be started.


Default value: 1500

Time interval after which another one attempt to send Redis or Valkey command will be executed. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: 3000

Interval of Redis or Valkey Slave reconnection attempts when it was excluded from internal list of available servers. On each timeout event Redisson tries to connect to disconnected server. Value in milliseconds.


Default value: org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector

Defines failed Redis or Valkey Slave node detector object which implements failed node detection logic via org.redisson.client.FailedNodeDetector interface.

Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has ongoing connection errors in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds. Default is 180000 milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.
  • org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector - marks the Redis or Valkey node as failed if it has certain amount of command execution timeout errors defined by failedCommandsLimit in defined checkInterval interval in milliseconds.


Default value: 0

Database index used for Redis or Valkey connections.


Default value: null

Password for Redis or Valkey servers authentication.


Default value: null

Username for Redis or Valkey servers authentication. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.


Default value: null

Password for Sentinel servers authentication. Used only if Sentinel password differs from master's and slave's.


Default value: null

Username for Sentinel servers for authentication. Used only if Sentinel username differs from master's and slave's. Requires Redis 6.0 and higher.

credentialsResolver Default value: empty

Defines Credentials resolver, which is invoked during connection for Redis or Valkey server authentication. Returns Credentials object per node address, it contains username and password fields. Allows you to specify dynamically changing credentials.


Default value: true

Enables sentinels discovery.


Default value: 5

Subscriptions per subscribe connection limit. Used by RTopic, RPatternTopic, RLock, RSemaphore, RCountDownLatch, RClusteredLocalCachedMap, RClusteredLocalCachedMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RLocalCachedMapCache objects and Hibernate Local Cached Region Factories.


Default value: 7500

Defines subscription timeout in milliseconds applied per channel subscription.


Default value: null

Name of client connection.


Default value: null

Defines array of allowed SSL protocols.
Example values: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1


Default value: true

Enables SSL endpoint identification during handshaking, which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.


Default value: JDK

Defines SSL provider (JDK or OPENSSL) used to handle SSL connections. OPENSSL considered as a faster implementation and requires netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to be added in the classpath.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL truststore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL truststore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL truststore.


Default value: null

Defines SSL keystore type.


Default value: null

Defines the path to the SSL keystore. It stores certificates which are used to identify the server side of an SSL connections. The SSL keystore is read on each new connection creation and can be dynamically reloaded.


Default value: null

Defines password for SSL keystore.


Default value: 30000

PING command sending interval per connection to Redis. Defined in milliseconds. Set 0 to disable.


Default value: false

Enables TCP keepAlive for connection.


Default value: true

Enables TCP noDelay for connection.


Default value: no mapper

Defines NAT mapper interface which maps Redis or Valkey URI object and applied to all connections. Can be used to map internal Redis or Valkey server IPs to external ones. Available implementations:

  • org.redisson.api.HostPortNatMapper
  • org.redisson.api.HostNatMapper


Default value: no mapper

Defines Name mapper which maps Redisson object name to a custom name. Applied to all Redisson objects.


Default value: no mapper

Defines Command mapper which maps Redis or Valkey command name to a custom name. Applied to all commands.

Multi Sentinel YAML config format

Below is a sentinel configuration example in YAML format. All property names are matched with MultiSentinelServersConfig and Config object property names.

  replicationMode: "ASYNC"
  idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
  connectTimeout: 10000
  timeout: 3000
  retryAttempts: 3
  retryInterval: 1500
  failedSlaveReconnectionInterval: 3000
  failedSlaveNodeDetector: !<org.redisson.client.FailedConnectionDetector> {}
  password: null
  subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
  clientName: null
  loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
  subscriptionConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 1
  subscriptionConnectionPoolSize: 50
  slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
  masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 24
  masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
  readMode: "SLAVE"
  subscriptionMode: "SLAVE"
  - "redis://"
  - "redis://"
  masterName: "mymaster"
  database: 0
threads: 16
nettyThreads: 32
codec: !<org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec> {}
transportMode: "NIO"