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Transactions management

RMap, RMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RSet, RSetCache and RBucket Redisson objects may participant in Transaction with ACID properties. It uses locks for write operations and maintains data modification operations list until commit() method is executed. Acquired locks are released after rollback() method execution. Implementation throws org.redisson.transaction.TransactionException in case of any error during commit/rollback execution.

Transaction isolation level is: READ_COMMITTED.

Follow Transaction options are available:

TransactionOptions options = TransactionOptions.defaults()
// Synchronization data timeout between Redis or Valkey master participating in transaction and its slaves.
// Default is 5000 milliseconds.
.syncSlavesTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

// Response timeout
// Default is 3000 milliseconds.
.responseTimeout(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

// Defines time interval for each attempt to send transaction if it hasn't been sent already.
// Default is 1500 milliseconds.
.retryInterval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

// Defines attempts amount to send transaction if it hasn't been sent already.
// Default is 3 attempts.

// If transaction hasn't committed within <code>timeout</code> it will rollback automatically.
// Default is 5000 milliseconds.
.timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

For execution in Redis or Valkey cluster use {} brackets for collocation data on the same slot otherwise CROSSSLOT error is thrown by Redis.

Code example for Redis or Valkey cluster:

RMap<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap{user:1}");
map.put("1", "2");
String value = map.get("3");
RSet<String> set = transaction.getSet("mySet{user:1}")

Code example of Sync / Async exection:

RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
RTransaction transaction = redisson.createTransaction(TransactionOptions.defaults());

RMap<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap");
map.put("1", "2");
String value = map.get("3");
RSet<String> set = transaction.getSet("mySet")

try {
} catch(TransactionException e) {

// or

RFuture<Void> future = transaction.commitAsync();
future.exceptionally(exception -> {

Code example of Reactive exection:

RedissonReactiveClient redisson = Redisson.create(config).reactive();
RTransactionReactive transaction = redisson.createTransaction(TransactionOptions.defaults());

RMapReactive<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap");
map.put("1", "2");
Mono<String> mapGet = map.get("3");
RSetReactive<String> set = transaction.getSet("mySet")

Mono<Void> mono = transaction.commit();
mono.onErrorResume(exception -> {
   return transaction.rollback();

Code example of RxJava3 exection:

RedissonRxClient redisson = Redisson.create(config).rxJava();
RTransactionRx transaction = redisson.createTransaction(TransactionOptions.defaults());

RMapRx<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap");
map.put("1", "2");
Maybe<String> mapGet = map.get("3");
RSetRx<String> set = transaction.getSet("mySet")

Completable res = transaction.commit();
res.onErrorResumeNext(exception -> {
   return transaction.rollback();

XA Transactions

This feature is available only in Redisson PRO edition.

Redisson provides XAResource implementation to participate in JTA transactions. RMap, RMapCache, RLocalCachedMap, RSet, RSetCache and RBucket Redisson objects may participant in Transaction.

Transaction isolation level is: READ_COMMITTED.

For execution in Redis or Valkey cluster use {} brackets for collocation data on the same slot otherwise CROSSSLOT error is thrown by Redis.

Code example for Redis or Valkey cluster:

RMap<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap{user:1}");
map.put("1", "2");
String value = map.get("3");
RSet<String> set = transaction.getSet("mySet{user:1}")

Code example:

// transaction obtained from JTA compatible transaction manager
Transaction globalTransaction = transactionManager.getTransaction();

RXAResource xaResource = redisson.getXAResource();

RTransaction transaction = xaResource.getTransaction();
RBucket<String> bucket = transaction.getBucket("myBucket");
RMap<String, String> map = transaction.getMap("myMap");
map.put("myKey", "myValue");


Spring Transaction Manager

For Spring Transaction Manager usage please refer to Spring Transaction Manager article.